Baaaaaa the Twins are 1 Week Old!

Today makes 1 week old for Kelly Gail’s twins! Kelly Gail gifted us with 2 gorgeous, healthy girls. This year we are down to just one nanny goat, Ms Kelly Gail, but it’s still a wonderful time in the goat yard. Last year we had 3 sets of twins, each set just a few days apart. It was awesome. But darnit, we only have one billy goat, Little Bill, and it’s not good to have them all from the same bloodline. I don’t want to keep more than one goat barn & pasture so we downsized last Fall.

Still, it’s an amazing time when Spring comes and kids drop. Ms Kelly Gail never disappoints with the most beautiful kids, but of course, as a goat grandma I would love them cute or not.

I tried to get a video of them bouncing around but they weren’t having it. And then I come in the house and look out and they are running crazy lol.

Still here’s a cute little video with the goats in all of their glory.

I’ll be back in a few days with more goat action!


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