The Most Amazing Christmas Dinner & Free Menu Planner

Can y’all believe it’s just 15 days until Christmas?! I barely can myself, where’d the year go? Whether you’re staying in for a quiet family dinner or going to a friend’s or relative’s home for the holiday meal you know someone’s gonna be planning the meal and festivities. And possibly asking you to bring something as well lol.

When I was growing up my mom, dad, and I usually went to my grandmother’s house. There would be a huge spread with enough food to feed an army. It was usually turkey, ham, slaw, potato salad, green beans, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes in some form, cranberry sauce, some kind of jello dish, a ‘relish’ tray of pickles and such, mashed potatoes (my grandmother’s were the best), good ole southern cornbread dressing, giblet gravy, rolls, and oh-so-much-more.

Oh, and don’t forget the desserts!!! There would be anywhere from 8-20 or so of us depending on who could make it and nobody went away hungry.

Over the last few years and the passing of so many loved ones, along with my grandmother aging the tradition here has changed. My little family of my husband, daughter, myself, and our many critters stay home and have a scaled back menu but there’s still plenty of food.

I usually make either a small picnic ham in the crockpot or a turkey breast in the crockpot. Along with southern cornbread dressing, green beans, corn, mashed potatoes, and rolls. Check below for a free 2019 Christmas Menu Planner & Shopping List.

Heck, sometimes we just make homemade pizzas, ok, I use a pizza crust mix and bottled sauce, but still lol it’s a nice family meal.

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Whatever your traditions, whatever the meal, just enjoy the time with your family and friends this holiday season.


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